* Do you think you’ll have a real ministry someday?
* When I was growing up in church we didn’t need to have fun.
* What do you do with all that money the board gives you?
* You’re disturbing the MAIN service.
* Choir members shouldn’t have to work in the nursery.
* How come VBS is only five days long?
* You don’t mind taking care of the children during the staff retreat do you?
* I don’t think anyone will mind if we add another worship service.
* Just announce it in the bulletin if you need more workers.
* I’ll bet you enjoy this as much as the kids do.
* My kid says you won’t even last as long as the last one.
* I told the pastor what happened in children’s church.
* Who’s Larry the Cucumber?
* But I’ve been teaching the class this way for over forty years.
* I like the Quarterly better.
* After church lets out I need to talk to someone, just keep my kids in children’s church for a while until I get back.
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