Monday, September 29, 2008

making an avatar

check this out its really cool

Super Cchicken and Chikie Nikky

I did an object lesson in kids church with a rubber chicken about how God takes the chicken out of you. I hid a rubber chicken in my shirt and pulled it out when I was talking about sin, I also had a small rubber chicken and talked about the small chickens that we need to deal with.
during the service a had a great idea about having a weekly video with the chicken visiting kids in the church.

Tuesday, September 16, 2008

breaking the back of legalism

God has been leading me through a journey it consist of finding out why do I do the things I do, this is some of the questions that I am asking my self
1) Am I doing this because it's scriptural or learned behavior?
2) Am I doing this because it has to do with the culture?
3) Is this a conviction given by legalistic teaching or is it a Holy Spirit inspired direction
4) Do I believe in what I am teaching (don't get scared I do) ?
5) Is this choice going to really make God angry at me?

Asking myself this questions has dissolve the fog that surrounds the myth of legalism.
In this walk I found out that God loves his kids and he wants to spent time with us and by us putting an assortment of man made rules its us that don't want him to invade our private space.

Wednesday, September 10, 2008

seeing what God sees

I got this crazy idea about what God sees us

What are his feelings when he looks at me?
What are his emotions when he sees me doing something wrong?
does he see himself in us and it brings a smile to his face?
If he was interviewed about our relationship with him what would he say?
when we can't sleep is watching over us ?
does he sing? what does it sound like?
if you took his picture would it look like one of us?
what would his anger look like?
what is his favorite type of music?
how would his hug fell like?

I have asked him this questions would you?

Monday, September 1, 2008

pick up lines revisited

*I lost my phone number, could I have yours on this volunteer registration card?
*I hear you really enjoy Kool-Aid and Graham Crackers!
*Don't you want to be an example of a servant in front of your child?
*Let me get this mirror, so you can see yourself in our children's department.
*How do you spell your name? I want to make sure I have it spelled correctly on the class room door.
*Do you want YOUR children to be blessed? It's the Biblical principle of you reap what you sow.
*We would like you to come and evaluate you child's class next week.
*You look a lot like my next volunteer.
*Now that you are a new member I would like to give you the opportunity to get involved.
*Do you like piñata parties & getting caught in the rain?
*Have you ever considered making a difference in the life of a child?
*Is your name Rose? 'Cause you'd look great planted in our children's ministry.
*you spare 10 minutes every eight weeks for the kids? That's only 6 times (onehour) a year.
*As I watch you I know you love kids and value them just like I do. I'd love to have you on my team.
*I see how the kids look at you and smile, that is because you have a calling and an anointing given to you by the Lord God almighty and you need to use your gift. Here *is a bucket of Gator Snot please follow me.
*Is your name "Grace," 'cause you sure are amazing?
*I have got something awesome to show you in my office. I always have cool gadgets and fun and exciting things in my office and that draws even the adults in! Once they are in my office, the "ministry opportunities" are so evident to them!
*I'm looking for people who are willing to invest some time with 6-8 kids to forever change their lives. Would you be willing to come upstairs Sunday Morning to just see what we are doing?
*If you help in kids ministry I'll give you candy!

Top 10 leadership tips

Know the work.  Your ability to lead your team effectively will be correlative to your knowledge of their tasks and workload. Take time...